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The Weekly EDDit

How to Sell Digital Products in Bundles With WordPress
How to Sell Digital Products in Bundles With WordPress

There are all kinds of ways to combine, complement, and repurpose products to make attractive bundles that customers will love. All it takes is a little creativity! In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit, we’ve put together some food for thought to help you bundle up all that goodness, and get the most out of your digital product store!

Illustration: Digital art being made on an M1 iMac
How to sell graphics and digital art with WordPress

If you’re a graphic designer or digital artist, you might not feel 100% confident about how to utilize your artistic talents to earn a living. In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit we cover pricing, licenses, distribution, and more.

Setting up a video content business
Setting up a video content business

Do you have video content that you want to monetize? Setting up your own business might be intimidating, but it’s totally possible! In our final article for The Weekly EDDit this year, we cover the basics to help you get things up and running using the content restriction model.

How to optimize security for your digital product store
How to optimize security for your digital product store

If you think you’ve heard a lot about data breaches in recent years, you’re not alone – internet security is an ongoing concern for everyone – but especially if you’re a digital store. In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit, we’ve put together a brief guide to help you out, so you can worry less and keep moving forward!

Selling a web-based service (SaaS)
Selling a web-based service / SaaS

As computing has moved increasingly away from traditional practices and more toward cloud-based systems, the use of web-based services has skyrocketed. In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit, we discuss the main considerations to make when getting started selling web-based services (SaaS).

Structuring your digital product pricing for success
Structuring your digital product pricing for success

There’s a lot that goes into starting a digital product store, but deciding on a pricing structure can take some serious thought. In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit we look at some tips to help you get it right!

Using cross-promotion to strengthen your digital product brand
Using cross-promotion to strengthen your digital product brand

With a continually changing eCommerce landscape, digital business owners must regularly adapt to keep sales flowing. Cross-promotion is an easy, effective, and time-tested strategy that is often overlooked! This week in The Weekly EDDit we’ll discuss some of the benefits to be had, considerations to make, and methods to use when using cross-promotion to strengthen your digital product brand.

How to use negative product feedback for growth and improvement
How to use negative product feedback for growth and improvement

In the age of social media, running a business can put you under the microscope – and whilst it’s normal to receive negative feedback occasionally, criticisms of your hard work can feel demoralizing. In this week’s edition of The Weekly EDDit, we explore some ways you can harness negative product feedback and transform it into a positive!

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