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How to Improve eCommerce Transparency With Your Customers

Are you struggling to build a loyal customer base in today’s competitive digital landscape? The secret ingredient might be easier than you think: eCommerce transparency.

Consumers crave honesty and authenticity from the brands they support. Transparency is essential for building credibility, reducing customer churn, and increasing sales.

Being honest about your products, pricing, and business practices can strengthen customer relationships. Plus, there are plenty of ways to go about it!

🔎 In this article, I’ll cover:

What Is eCommerce Transparency?

In a nutshell, eCommerce transparency is about being open and honest with your customers about every aspect of your business. This includes providing clear and accurate information about your products, pricing, shipping, returns, and customer service.

A transparent eCommerce business is like an open book. Customers can find the info they need, understand what they’re buying, and feel confident in their purchases.

It’s about creating a positive customer experience from start to finish. The purpose is to increase customer satisfaction and eCommerce retention.

Why Transparency in eCommerce Matters

There are several reasons why transparency should be a priority.

Transparency in eCommerce fosters a sense of trust between you and your customers. When customers know they can rely on you for accurate information, they are more likely to make repeat purchases, become loyal advocates, and share positive experiences.

đź’ˇ For instance, research shows that 64% of women say the most important factor when making a purchase is the accuracy of product descriptions and photos.

Additionally, about 55% of shoppers agree that lack of product information and poor-quality descriptions create frustrating experiences.

Learning how to build trust in eCommerce with digital product transparency can:

  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Increase eCommerce customer loyalty
  • Improve brand reputation
  • Reduce customer churn by minimizing misunderstandings and disputes
  • Boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Prioritizing transparency helps create a competitive advantage and build a thriving online business.

How to Improve eCommerce Transparency

So how do you improve transparency? Below I’ll cover some of the best tips and strategies and examples of tools you can use to execute them.

Most of these solutions are geared toward WordPress and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) users. While the specific tools may vary depending on your eCommerce solution, the overall tips still apply.

1. Be Clear and Upfront About Pricing

Clear and fair pricing is fundamental to building trust. Customers appreciate knowing exactly what they’re paying.

Avoid hiding fees or charges until the customer is about to complete the sale. This can lead to frustration and cart abandonment.

Outline the product price, and any taxes, shipping fees, or additional charges like credit card processing fees.

A checkout page demonstrating eCommerce transparency for pricing and fees.

Clearly explain any discounts, promotions, or bundle deals, including the terms and conditions.

Easy Digital Downloads lets you prominently display product prices—including automated tax information and other pricing details—on your product and checkout pages.

You can also choose from a range of pricing options. For instance, the variable pricing feature lets you easily offer different prices for the same product based on various factors.

Digital product pricing transparency with variable pricing from EDD.

With Recurring Payments, you can set up tiered pricing for subscriptions and memberships. EDD also has a built-in discount code generator for running special offers and deals.

2. Provide Accurate and Detailed Product Descriptions

​​Customers rely on accurate and detailed product descriptions to make informed purchasing decisions.

To optimize your product descriptions and increase transparency, provide as much information as possible.

Highlight key features, benefits, and specifications of your product or service. Explain how they can solve specific pain points. Present this information in a concise and digestible way.

A product page with key features and a customer review.

Include high-quality product images and demo videos to showcase the products in action. Aim to give shoppers a better understanding of their functionality.

WPForms product demo example

To boost digital product transparency, I recommend the EDD Compare Products extension.

A product comparison table from Easy Digital Downloads to improve digital product transparency.

This is a great way to make the shopping experience easier. Customers can easily view and compare different products side-by-side.

3. Prioritize Data Privacy

Protecting customer data is one of the most important things you can do as an online seller.

Most U.S. consumers (more than 65%) agree that a company being transparent about using personal data would increase their trust.

Be open and honest about the data you use, how you use it, and how you protect it. Start by adding a privacy policy to your site. Adhere to data privacy regulations and comply with relevant laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Optimize your checkout page to only ask for necessary information from customers.

Use secure payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal to protect customer payment information.

Checkout with multiple payment options.

Display trust signals and security badges on your site.

4. Collect and Display Product Reviews

Another simple way to build trust and increase transparency is to collect and display reviews.

Not only do the majority of online shoppers read customer reviews, but about 50% trust them as much as personal recommendations.

EDD Reviews makes it easy for customers to leave reviews and ratings for your products. Then you showcase them across your marketing materials and product pages.

Easy Digital Downloads reviews for eCommerce transparency.

Encourage reviews by sending out post-purchase emails asking for their feedback. Offer incentives such as discounts or loyalty points.

An email requesting a customer review in exchange for a discount.

The EDD Reviews add-on lets you set up reviewer emails that include discounts.

The Easy Digital Downloads email template to send reviewers a discount.

Respond to reviews quickly and professionally. Show appreciation for positive feedback and address concerns in negative ones.

5. Be Clear About Shipping and Returns/Refunds

Shipping, delivery, and returns are a critical part of eCommerce. Nearly 80% of consumers name fast shipping and delivery as the most important factor influencing their purchasing decision.

If you sell physical products, of course, you want to be as quick as possible with shipping and delivery times. But it’s also crucial to manage customer expectations through clear and honest communication. This can help prevent unnecessary frustration.

Include shipping costs, estimated delivery times, and applicable restrictions or surcharges. Provide real-time tracking information so customers can check the status of their orders.

Easy Digital Downloads is mostly meant for selling digital products. But if you have a physical product or two you want to offer, the Simple Shipping add-on can help.

The Easy Digital Downloads Simple Shipping extension.

This extension lets you collect shipping info at checkout, set shipping rates, update payments as shipped, and more. You can also send shipping notifications with order and tracking details.

A Simple Shipping email for eCommerce transparency.

It’s also important to have a clear return and refund policy. Customers appreciate knowing what their options are if they’re unsatisfied with a product.

Refund policy in footer of a website to increase eCommerce transparency.

Place it where it’s easy to find and access, such as your site footer. Outline your return/refund process, eligibility criteria, and timeframes.

6. Offer Convenient Customer Service and Support

Customers appreciate businesses that are responsive and helpful. Knowing that you’ll be easy to reach can help build customer trust.

Start by offering multiple support channels, such as email, live chat, and phone support. The more options available, the easier it is for shoppers to select their preferred method.

I also recommend offering self-service options. Create a knowledge base with documentation and FAQs so customers can quickly find answers.

Easy Digital Downloads knowledge base

To add advanced search functionality to your store, use a plugin like SearchWP.

The SearchWP WordPress plugin website

There are ways to streamline customer support—even if you’re a one-man show without a support team.

Automation tools are incredibly helpful. This includes help desk software, chatbot solutions like LiveChat and Tidio, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems like HubSpot.

7. Make the Most of Purchase Receipts

Post-purchase emails and order confirmations can be an excellent opportunity to show transparency.

Easy Digital Downloads sends purchase receipt emails to customers. This includes a ‘thank you’ message, product name, and link to download the digital product.

An eCommerce purchase receipt email from EDD.

Customers can also access the receipts from their account, which include the order number, status, etc.

Order confirmation details from EDD on the receipt page.

But to improve transparency, EDD also lets you customize your emails. You can choose from a list of email smart tags that will personalize them and automatically include any details you think are necessary or helpful.

The list of smart tags for an Easy Digital Downloads purchase receipt email template.

For instance, this could include:

  • Pricing info (subtotal, tax, shipping and order fees, etc.)
  • Payment method
  • Receipt link
  • Discount codes
  • Shipping information
  • Login link
  • Review requests
  • And more

In addition to the smart tags, you can modify the email template to include whatever messaging or content you wish. You can also create different variations for different products.

For instance, you could include helpful how-to guides on how to use a product, links to your return or refund policy, and more.

FAQs About eCommerce Transparency

Let’s wrap up with some frequently asked questions.

What is eCommerce transparency?

When it comes to eCommerce, transparency means openly communicating information about products, services, pricing, and business practices to customers.  

Why is eCommerce transparency important?

Transparency is important for eCommerce success because it builds trust, reduces customer uncertainty, and improves brand reputation. By prioritizing authenticity and transparency, online businesses can also increase eCommerce customer satisfaction.

How can I increase my online store transparency?

Some of the best ways to improve your online store transparency include: being clear and upfront about pricing, providing detailed and accurate product information, implementing fair shipping, return, and refund policies, offering convenient customer support, and prioritizing data privacy.

Enhance Transparency With EDD

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance your customers’ experience, improve your brand reputation, and drive sales.

Remember, transparency is an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate your practices and seek feedback from your customers to identify areas for improvement.

Are you ready to take the next step and improve your eCommerce transparency? Grab an Easy Digital Downloads pass today and start building trust with your customers.

Want more eCommerce tips? Learn how to attract ready-to-buy consumers to your site!

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