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How to Attract Ready-to-Buy Customers to Your Online Store

Do you want to learn how to reach and attract ready-to-buy customers to your online store?

Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned salesperson, targeting the right type of shoppers can make all the difference in your eCommerce success.

By capturing the attention of consumers in your target audience who’ve already done their research and are ready to make a purchase, you can increase conversions, boost sales, and ultimately grow your revenue.

The key is figuring out how to go about finding and attracting ready-to-buy customers.

🔎 In this article, I’ll cover:

What Does ‘Ready to Buy’ Mean?

Not every website visitor is created equal. Some are casually browsing, while others are actively inching closer to hitting that “buy” button. These customers exhibiting purchase intent send out subtle cues, called buying signals.

If you’ve never heard of ‘ready-to-buy customers’ before, perhaps you’ve heard of other phrases used in similar contexts, such as customers who are:

  • High-Intent
  • Purchase-Ready
  • Conversion-Ready
  • Decision-Stage
  • Active Buyers 
  • Hot Leads

In short, ready-to-buy customers are shoppers who’ve done their research, know what they want, and essentially have their credit cards ready to go. 

Why Ready-to-Buy Customers Matter

In the world of eCommerce, these are the golden geese. Here’s a closer look at why they’re so valuable:

  • Higher conversion rates: Ready-to-buy customers are much closer to the “buy” button on their buyer’s journey. They’ve already identified their customer needs and are actively researching solutions. This translates to a significant boost in your conversion rates.
  • Reduced marketing spend: Since they’re already primed to purchase, you don’t have to invest as much effort (and money) in convincing them of your product’s value. You can focus your marketing efforts on reaching these high-intent customers.
  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Ready-to-buy customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing, ultimately increasing customer loyalty. Satisfied customers become valuable assets for your long-term growth.

Identifying online customers who are ready to make a purchase can seem like a daunting task. But there are some ways to make it easier.

Recognizing Buying Signals

Buying signals are actions or behaviors that indicate a shopper’s interest in purchasing a product. They represent a customer moving from the consideration stage to the decision stage in the buyer’s journey. In essence, these signals tell you when a customer is ready to buy and actively evaluating your offerings.

Examples of buying signals include:

  • Engaging with product pages
  • Adding products to cart
  • Initiating checkout process
  • Downloading free trials or demos
  • Asking detailed questions
  • Researching pricing and payment options

Remember, buying signals are valuable insights into your customers’ purchase intent.

When you’re able to identify buying signals and act on them, you can create a more targeted and engaging shopping experience, ultimately leading to more conversions and happy customers.

Tips to Convert Ready-to-Buy Customers

Now, let’s get into some actionable strategies you can implement to attract and convert customers who are ready to buy using Easy Digital Downloads and other WordPress tools.

1. Optimize Your Product Pages for Conversions

Think of your product pages as your online sales force. They need to be clear, concise, and persuasive to convert those ready-to-buy customers. 

As the #1 WordPress eCommerce solution for digital selling, Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) comes with built-in features for creating and optimizing stunning product pages for your store:

The Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin to help attract ready-to-buy customers.

Use high-quality product images and videos to showcase your products in detail. To give new customers a better idea of what to expect, you could also add product demos.

To craft compelling product descriptions that influence purchasing decisions, don’t just list features, tell a story! Create clear, concise, and benefit-oriented descriptions that highlight how your products solve customer problems.

EDD Reviews can also be a game-changer, allowing customers to leave reviews and build trust with potential buyers:

Easy Digital Downloads social proof for eCommerce reviews

In addition, include strong Calls to Action (CTAs):

A product page with clear & contrasting CTA buttons.

Make it crystal clear what you want visitors to do next, such as add items to their cart or check out. A/B testing different CTA placements can further optimize their effectiveness.

2. Leverage Content Marketing

Content marketing is a fantastic way to attract ready-to-buy customers by establishing yourself as a thought leader and a trusted resource in your niche. Creating valuable content helps demonstrate how your products can alleviate your target customer’s pain points and ultimately increase sales.

There are several ways to make content marketing work for your eCommerce business.

Compelling Blog Posts

Blog posts and other types of content can be used to educate potential customers and highlight the value proposition of your products. You can leverage real-world case studies to demonstrate the success other businesses have achieved using your products.

In addition to your website, leverage the power of social media marketing via platforms like Facebook, X, and LinkedIn to promote your content and landing pages. Share blog posts, infographics, or even short explainer videos that showcase your product’s benefits.

Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns

Build an email list with EDD’s built-in email marketing features and add-ons like MailChimp and Constant Contact:

EDD Email marketing integration extensions.

Segment your list based on customer interests and purchase history.

This allows you to send highly targeted marketing campaigns promoting relevant products or special offers to engaged subscribers who have already shown interest in similar products or categories.

By nurturing your leads with valuable content and targeted email campaigns, you can move them further along the sales process and ultimately convert them into paying customers.

3. Focus on Search Engine Optimization

Ensuring your website appears in search engine results for relevant keywords is crucial for attracting high-intent customers. That’s why it’s important to incorporate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into your digital marketing strategy.

Start by conducting keyword research. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify keywords consumers use when searching for new products like yours.

Google Keyword Planner website.

This helps you establish a list of target keywords to incorporate naturally into your product pages, blog content, meta descriptions, etc.

Content optimization helps attract organic traffic and position you as a trusted resource, drawing in those ready-to-buy customers who are actively researching before making a purchase.

To simplify content optimization for your eCommerce site, I highlight recommend using AIOSEO (All In One SEO):

The AIOSEO WordPress plugin website.

This WordPress plugin makes it easier for you to achieve your SEO goals. It includes features to help improve readability, schema markup, and more.

4. Display Social Proof & Customer Reviews

Social proof is a powerful psychological force. People are more likely to trust and buy from businesses that other people endorse. There are a few strategies you can use to harness its power.

Showcase Customer Testimonials

Feature positive customer reviews and testimonials on your product pages using EDD Reviews. Seeing real people and loyal customers raving about your products and excellent customer service builds trust and credibility with potential buyers.

Reviewing a product in social media

Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encourage customers to share their experiences with your products on social channels using relevant hashtags or by running online giveaways and contests:

Online giveaway to encourage e-commerce UGC.

This authentic content can be incredibly persuasive for ready-to-buy customers and help you increase sales.

EDD Social Discounts is also a helpful add-on for rewarding customers for sharing your products.

Display Trust Signals

Make it clear that your store is safe and secure. Display trust signals like secure payment gateways and readily available customer service information to build confidence with potential buyers.

I also recommend the TrustPulse plugin:

The TrustPulse plugin website.

This tool lets you display real-time customer activity, which can be a powerful social proof tactic.

5. Optimize Your Checkout Process

A smooth and streamlined checkout process is essential for converting ready-to-buy customers. There are a few strategies to create a frictionless checkout process.

First, minimize checkout steps. Don’t make your customers jump through hoops to buy. Create a concise and quick checkout form and offer guest checkout options for added convenience.

A simplified eCommerce checkout form optimized for ready-to-buy customers.

You should also cater to customer preferences by offering multiple payment options for credit cards and digital wallet payments. I recommend using Stripe, but EDD supports a wide range of gateways.

Finally, create a mobile-friendly checkout that delivers a seamless experience on smartphones and tablets. EDD’s responsive design ensures a good starting point, but consider other mobile optimization plugins and techniques if needed to ensure your checkout process is smooth and frustration-free on any device.

6. Add Exit-Intent Pop-Ups

Exit-intent pop-ups are a powerful way to recapture those ready-to-buy customers who may be on the verge of leaving your site without making a purchase.

These pop-ups appear just as a visitor is about to exit your site, offering them a last-minute incentive to stay and complete their purchase.

Exit intent popup used in digital commerce for digital products

Exit-intent pop-ups can be highly effective in increasing conversions. Studies have shown that they can increase conversion rates by up to 10%. This is because they target visitors who are already engaged with your site and are likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

OptinMonster is a great tool for creating exit-intent pop-ups:

The OptinMonster plugin that can help with eCommerce content marketing.

It offers a variety of templates to choose from, and it’s easy to customize the pop-ups to match your brand. OptinMonster also has a number of features that can help you increase the effectiveness of your pop-ups, such as A/B testing and analytics.

7. Follow Up With Special Offers & Promotions

Recapturing shoppers who abandoned their carts can be an effective way to drive sales and attract ready-to-buy customers. These are individuals who have already shown interest in your products and are likely to be ready to make a purchase with a little extra nudge.

EDD, combined with add-ons like Recapture, can help you send targeted offers and promotions to these visitors, instilling a sense of urgency and encouraging them to complete their purchases.

The Recapture extension lgoo.

You can reduce cart abandonment and recapture shoppers by reminding them of the products they left behind and offering special incentives to complete their purchases.

Targeting ready-to-buy customers with an abandoned cart email.

For instance, you could create limited-time coupons or special offers exclusive to these abandoned cart shoppers that encourage them to act quickly.

8. Consider Influencer or Affiliate Marketing

Reaching ready-to-buy customers can be significantly enhanced by leveraging influencer marketing, referral programs, and affiliate marketing.

Collaborating with influencers who align with your brand’s values and target audience can be a powerful way to tap into their established following. When influencers genuinely recommend your products or services, it can create a sense of trust and authenticity that resonates with their followers, leading to increased brand awareness and sales.

Referral and affiliate marketing programs are also worth considering. Offering rewards and incentives to your existing customer base and other businesses with complementary audiences for referring people to your business can be a cost-effective way to attract new business.

Easy Digital Downloads affiliate marketing program member join page.

These programs create a win-win situation, where both the referrer and the referred receive benefits, fostering positive word-of-mouth and generating a steady stream of high-quality leads. You can access new markets, expand your reach, and attract ready-to-buy customers who are already engaged with your affiliates.

9. Offer Live Chat Support

Offer proactive support and chat assistance to customers lingering on product pages or the checkout process to address any concerns and answer questions.

Customers close to the finish line may have a last-minute question or hesitation that can stall their purchase. Live chat support acts like a friendly nudge, helping you bridge that gap and convert those “maybes” into “yesses.”

LiveChat WordPress plugin website

It provides real-time assistance, addressing concerns as they arise and keeping the buying momentum going. Popular live chat plugins like LiveChat integrate seamlessly with WordPress and offer eCommerce-specific features for managing customer conversations.

Even if you can’t provide live chat support, using chatbots and FAQs sections and detailed documentation can be an excellent way to ensure shoppers’ questions and concerns are answered in a timely manner.

FAQs on Attracting Purchase-Ready Customers

Let’s wrap up with frequently asked questions about customers who are considered to be ready to buy.

What are ready-to-buy customers?

Ready-to-buy customers are shoppers who have already researched their options and are actively looking to make a purchase. They’re close to the “buy” button on their buyer’s journey, making them prime targets for eCommerce businesses.

How can I identify ready-to-buy customers on my website?

A: Website analytics tools can be your secret weapon. Tools like Google Analytics (via MonsterInsights) can reveal user behavior that might indicate a ready-to-buy customer. Look for metrics like time spent on product pages, number of product views, and visits to your checkout page. These can be strong indicators of high purchase intent.

What strategies can I use to attract ready-to-buy customers online?

To attract ready-to-buy customers online, focus on high-intent marketing strategies like targeted content, social proof through reviews, and optimized product pages with clear CTAs. This combination educates them about your value proposition, builds trust, and makes the buying process frictionless.

Attract More Customers With EDD

By implementing these strategies and making your eCommerce site a haven for ready-to-buy customers, you’ll be well on your way to boosting conversions, increasing revenue, and achieving long-term success.

Don’t have Easy Digital Downloads yet? Grab a pass today and get started in no time:

Ready to learn more ways to increase your eCommerce success? Check out our Guide on Using Consumer Psychology in eCommerce.

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